Our Clients

We work with a wide variety of organizations, from small, community-based not-for-profits to large, complex institutions such as universities and healthcare agencies. While we recruit primarily for leadership positions, including CEO/President/Executive Director, CFOs and COOs, we are sometimes asked by clients to fill multiple roles in an organization. A representative sample of our clients by sector is below. For more information or to request references, please contact us.

Health Care

Alliance Health, Inc.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Boston Medical Center
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Dorchester House Multi-Service Center
Elder Service Plan of the North Shore (PACE and SCO Programs)
Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center (Formerly Great Brook Valley Health Center)
Employers Action Coalition on Healthcare (EACH)
Greater Lawrence Family Health Center (GLFHC)
Harbor Health Services, Inc. (HHSI)
Health Law Advocates (HLA)
Health Resources in Action (HRiA)
Home Health & Hospice Care (HHHC)
Institute for Community HealthPhoto of doctor with patient
Kenneth B. Schwartz Center
Lamprey Health Care
Lynn Community Health Center
Massachusetts Association of Health Plans
Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
National Institute for Children’s Health Quality
Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island
Neighborhood Health Plan of Massachusetts
North Shore Elder Services
Partners Healthcare


Boston College
Brazelton Touchpoints Center, Boston Children’s Hospital
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Brown University
Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA)Student and Teacher at the Guild for Human Services
Guild for Human Services
Harvard-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Health Sciences and Technology Program (HST)
Harvard University
Johnson C. Smith University (North Carolina)
Neighborhood House Charter School
Phillips Brooks House Association
University of Massachusetts, Boston
The Carroll School
Winston-Salem State University (North Carolina)

Foundations/Philanthropic Organizations

Barr Foundation
Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Massachusetts
Endowment for Health (New Hampshire)
Harvard Pilgrim Foundation
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation
Nancy Lurie Marks Foundationmeeting_edited
Nellie Mae Education Foundation
New England Foundation for the Arts
The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation
Pilot House Associates
Rockefeller Foundation (New York)
The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts
The Vallee Foundation
Well Child Foundation

Advocacy/Trade Associations

American Cancer Society
Boston Society of Architects
Governmental StrategiesBoston Society of Architects photo by Andy Ryan Photography
Health Care for All
Massachusetts Advocacy for Children
Massachusetts Food Association
Massachusetts Halfway Houses
Massachusetts Hospital Association
Parents’ and Children’s Services
Partnership for Healthcare Excellence
Physicians for Human Rights

Community Organizations

Adaptive Environments
Big Sister Association of Greater Boston
Boston Capacity Tank
Boston Harbor Island Alliance (BHIA)
Boston Harbor NOW
Boston Senior Home Care
City Year
Central Boston Elder Services
Greater Boston Food Bank
Greater Boston Rehabilitation ServicesPhoto of Lamprey Health Care Raymond, NH
Initiative for a Competitive Inner City
Jewish Vocational Services
Massachusetts Service Alliance
MAB Community Services
Management Consulting Services, Inc.
National Conference for Community and Justice
Roxbury Youth Works
The Boston Harbor Association (TBHA)
The Possible Project (UpStart)
The Women’s Union
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley

Government Agencies

Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority
Massachusetts Commission for the Blind
Massachusetts Convention Center Authoritystate_house_crop_dwyer
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Massachusetts Division of Health Care, Policy and Finance
Massachusetts Elder Affairs Department
Massachusetts Executive Offices of Health and Human Services
Massachusetts Governor’s Office (for support on cabinet-level positions at EOHHS and A&F)
Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport)


Deneen & Company (business consultancy)
TKT (now Shire – biotech)